Three amateur film-makers set out, wide-eyed, on what was, in the words of President Kennedy, "the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked." They did not know what they were getting into, but they soon found out. From the libraries to the luncheonettes, from the statues to the Smiths', these three auteurs dove deep into how the Sun, that great ball of fire, affects and influences our lives. What they returned with shall "shock and awe" audiences worldwide, and bring our eternal life-force its long overdue and well deserved respect.
Too bad it wasn't sunny; we promise, it wasn't our fault.
Special thanks to the Newton Public Library for so kindly acommodating our often disruptive film-making and to Johnny's Luncheonette for the French toast.
Special no-thanks to Whole Foods for banning cameras from their store...or at least trying to.