Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Name That Tune!

For all your music buffs out there, here is a challenge. Here are some sun-related song clips. How many can you name?

Three things to note:
1. There are 18 song clips. That was on purpose. 18 = חי
2. The length of the clip is 56 seconds. Fifty-six divided by two...equals...28! Isn't that nifty?
3. The first 2 people to correctly identify all 18 songs will win a prize. I don't know what that prize will be - we'll all be surprised.

Two more things to note:
1. Are you impressed with the Wordle? Make your own here.
2. The clip ends with some good advice. Follow it and wear sunscreen!

1 comment:

  1. 28 YEARS AGO... President Reagan was just elected, no one thought that the Soviet Union would fall, the personal computer was science fiction, and the Internet was a government research tool.
